Friday, July 6, 2012


Well - I've been trying to get a billing module going since I started using OSCAR in 2009.  Since that time, I've been a lot of money and time trying to get a functional billing system going with no luck.  As a result of my efforts since 2009, at least 5 programmers have been hired and paid for - with no results.

I spoke to a friend about the rotten luck I've had with programmers - and he opined that my experiences were not unusual in the industry.  The reason, he conjectured, was that the field of programming is sorely in need of going to the next level.  In other words, they need to become "PROFESSIONALS".  What they need is a Professional Society to help them achieve a minimal set of standards for their administration and conduct.  The Professional society would be self policing and self funded - much like Physicians, Nurses, Engineers, Lawyers, etc.

But I digress.

When I was asked to look at a demo of a billing program for ALBERTA OSCAR today - I was expecting very little.  In fact, I was expecting to be disappointed with another iteration of the rather disappointing billing screens that are used for Ontario and BC.

I was rather hoping for a much better type of billing screen for Alberta - but I had long almost given up on this....and had learned through disappointing recurrent experiences that programmers are more likely to NOT deliver on promises than to come through.

To say I was blown away and impressed as hell is a considerable understatement!

The billing screen for Alberta OSCAR is a beautiful and modern thing to see.  The design, the thoughtfulness in the presentation and organization of the fields....the awareness of a Physician's workflow and billing needs - appears to have all been considered!  These guys are impressive!

The billing screen has the look of an elegant presentation with clean lines, easily readable fonts and a very modern feel that folks have come to expect and associate with higher end computing environments like those seen on a Mac.  The older and "outdated" 1980's look and feel that one sees on OSCAR is gone on the new Alberta OSCAR billing screen - and it has been replaced with this new modern look and feel.

There is still more work to do, and a private billing module will be added.  But what I have seen today has renewed by enthusiasm and restored by faith in the programmers!  These guys have really come through, and I'm exited to see what they churn out in the next month or two!

More soon!